Group News
Group Video
May 21

The strategic cooperation signing ceremony for the Sino Dutch Health and Wellness Cultural Exchange Base was successfully held at the Youran Academy in Lingshui, Hainan

On the afternoon of April 3rd, the strategic cooperati

May 21

Opening Schedule: On September 26th, the CCPARK Jigao Yunquan Center Brand Meeting was successfully held


May 21

Janbon Liaotai Yellow River Highway and Railway Bridge officially opened to traffic, reported by mainstream media such as CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, and People's Daily

3月26日,江本辽台黄河公路铁路桥及公路连接工程正式通车。Central level media such

May 21

Janbon Wellness &Youran Academy has been selected as one of the top 50 comprehensive strength operators in China's health and wellness industry in 2023 and one of the top 10 excellent projects in China's health and wellness industry in 2023

排在新概念名单上On January 5th, Yihan Think Tank and Yilisheng

May 21

Zeng Feng, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Hainan Province, and his delegation visited the Janbon Youran Academy project for inspection and research

On the afternoon of February 23, Zeng Feng, Secretary

May 21

A New Bridge Rises Over the Yellow River, Observing the Evolution of Shandong's Cross Yellow River Passage through Two "Jianbang Bridges"【From Dazhong Daily News Reports】

一座新桥在黄河上升起,通过两座“建邦桥”观察山东跨黄河通道的演变【来自大众日报新闻报道】On March 2