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A New Bridge Rises Over the Yellow River, Observing the Evolution of Shandong's Cross Yellow River Passage through Two "Jianbang Bridges"【From Dazhong Daily News Reports】

Group News 2024 May 21

On March 26th, the Janbon Liaotai Yellow River Highway and Railway Bridge, invested and constructed by the private enterprise Shandong Janbon Group, was officially opened to traffic. As a preliminary control project of the Liaotai Railway, the bridge connects Dong'a County in Liaocheng City and Pingyin County in Jinan City, crossing the Yellow River with a combined bridge of highway and railway. The upper layer is a highway bridge deck, and the lower layer is a railway bridge deck. The total length of the line is 13.452 kilometers, including a bridge section of 3.367 kilometers and a roadbed section of 10.085 kilometers. It adopts a five span continuous steel truss beam, with a maximum span of 180 meters, and is currently the largest flat string steel truss bridge for both public and railway use in China.

At the end of 2010, a Yellow River bridge named "Janbon" was completed in Jinan. Located south of Jinan Erhuan West Road and north of National Highway 309, the Jinan Janbon Yellow River Bridge has greatly improved the transportation conditions at the northern exit of Jinan. It has played an important role in the implementation of Jinan's "north crossing" strategy and the expansion of urban development space. More than a decade has passed, and now the Janbon Yellow River Bridge in Jinan is not only a shortcut for many citizens to travel efficiently, but also an important channel for logistics transportation. It helps the efficient flow of people, logistics, and information, while also promoting regional economic development with greater vitality.


Time flies, and although the Janbon Liaotai Yellow River Highway and Railway Bridge, which opened fourteen years later, also spans the Yellow River, it is different. From a technical perspective, it is not an easy task to install the steel truss beam of the main bridge, which weighs 15000 tons and is 780 meters long, on the Yellow River. To reduce the interference and damage to the river caused by the installation of steel truss beams, the team adopts multi-point synchronous pushing technology to achieve precise synchronization of each link. The steel beam hoisting area is located on the Yellow River beach, where the wind direction is not stable. Assembling steel truss beams in such an environment is equivalent to threading needles and wires at a height of 18 floors. To achieve "safe, environmentally friendly, and efficient" construction, the construction team has adopted advanced technologies such as intelligence and simulation.


Nowadays, with the construction of bridges across the Yellow River, more innovation is focused on protecting the ecology of the Yellow River. The construction of pile foundations in the water of the Janbon Liaotai Yellow River Highway and Railway Bridge is due to complex geological conditions and high mud and sand content. According to regulatory requirements, the bottom sediment of rock socketed piles should not exceed 5 centimeters. In order to quickly and effectively clean the holes, the project technical team has pioneered the "sediment separator+air lift reverse circulation cleaning" method, which prevents a drop of wastewater and a piece of waste residue from entering the Yellow River. At the same time, a long casing is used to pass through the sand layer and directly enter the non permeable layer of the riverbed. The welding quality of the casing is strictly controlled to avoid the communication between the mud inside the casing and the river water. In addition, the alkaline waste generated from the mixing plant and prefabrication yard is subjected to dual treatment, and the treated water can be recycled; Obtain environmental protection application codes for fuel equipment, and collect waste oil for centralized treatment; Regular water quality testing of water source protection areas is a routine operation during the construction process.

Over the past decade, the ways of crossing the Yellow River have become more diverse. In addition to the Yellow River highway bridge and railway bridge, there have also been Yellow River tunnels, dual-purpose bridges for both public and railway, and many newly built bridges have reserved transportation channels such as rail transit. The Jinan Yellow River Jiluo Road Tunnel, which opened on September 29, 2021, is also known as the "First Tunnel of the Yellow River for Ten Thousand Miles". It is the first transportation tunnel built by a public rail system in the Yellow River Basin, and the world's first ultra large diameter shield tunnel to cross a suspended river above ground, creating a new era of crossing the Yellow River from water to underwater. After the tunnel is opened, the fastest time to cross the Yellow River is 5 minutes by car and 2.5 minutes by subway.

In terms of quantity, the cross yellow channel has achieved rapid growth in recent years. Taking Jinan as an example, data shows that there are currently 17 cross Yellow River channels in Jinan. This year, Jinan will accelerate the construction of 10 cross Yellow River channels, including the Jibin high-speed railway dual-use bridge, Huanggang Road tunnel, and Aerospace Avenue tunnel, to facilitate cross river channels, facilitate transportation between the two sides, and assist in the high-quality development of the starting area. According to the plan, there are 34 cross Yellow River passages planned on the 183 kilometer Yellow River in Jinan city, with an average of 1 passage 2.5 kilometers in the central urban area and 1 passage 2.2 kilometers in the starting area.

As the saying goes, if you want to be rich, first build a road. In the past, the Yellow River once became a development bottleneck facing cities along the Yellow River. In recent years, Shandong has been striving to take the lead in promoting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin. With bridges and tunnels built up and down the Yellow River, "dead ends" have been opened up, providing strong support for the development of cities along the Yellow River. This has effectively promoted coordinated development, balanced development, resource aggregation, and transformation and upgrading on both sides of the Yellow River. The completed Jianbang Liaotai Yellow River Highway and Railway Bridge connects cities such as Jinan and Liaocheng, which is of positive significance for accelerating the integrated construction of transportation in the provincial capital city cluster economic circle and promoting the economic and social development along the line.

As it should be, as the only sea outlet and open gateway in the Yellow River Basin, Shandong not only focuses on strengthening the construction of internal cross Yellow River channels, but also focuses on building smooth high-speed channels for provinces along the Yellow River, providing convenient transportation for talent exchange and business negotiations, deepening cooperation between coastal ports and inland ports along the Yellow River, and ensuring the most convenient sea outlet in the Yellow River Basin. By the end of 2023, the Jinan Zhengzhou high-speed railway will be completed and opened to traffic. Jinan can directly reach provincial capitals along the Yellow River, such as Xi'an, Lanzhou, Xining, and Taiyuan. A roughly parallel "one shaped" high-speed railway passage along the Yellow River, including land and sea, has taken shape. This year, the section of the Rizhao Lankao high-speed railway from Zhuangzhai to Lankao South is about to open for operation, and the Rizhao Lankao high-speed railway will achieve full connectivity. The Jizheng High Speed Railway and the Rilan High Speed Railway respectively lead from the north and south sides of Shandong to Henan, and connect to the Yellow River Basin through the Central Plains.

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