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Janbon Liaotai Yellow River Highway and Railway Bridge officially opened to traffic, reported by mainstream media such as CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, and People's Daily

Group News 2024 May 21


Central level media such as CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, Guangming Daily, Science and Technology Daily, and China Workers Daily, as well as local media such as Dazhong Daily, Shandong Radio and Television Station, Qilu.com, Lightning News, QiluOne Point, Qilu Evening News, Economic Herald, Jinan Radio and Television Station, Jinan Daily, Jinan Release, Jinan Times, New Yellow River, Love Jinan Client, Shun Net, etc., domestic well-known media such as Phoenix, Mount Taishan Finance, Liaocheng, Dong'a, Pingyin and other local media have focused on Janbon to talk about the opening scene of the Yellow River Highway and Railway Bridge in Thailand, and made special reports.


On the morning of March 26th, the spring breeze brought warmth, and both sides of the Yellow River were full of vitality. In the fervent anticipation of people, the Janbon Liaotai Yellow River Highway and Railway Bridge invested and constructed by Shandong Janbon Group has officially opened to traffic.

The Janbon Liaotai Yellow River Highway and Railway Bridge and Highway Connection Project is a control project of the Liaotai Railway. It has been listed as a key infrastructure project in Shandong Province in 2020, and a major investment and construction project in Shandong Province in 2021 and 2022. It was invested and constructed by Shandong Janbon Group in a BOT model, with a total investment of nearly 2 billion yuan. The total length of the Liaotai Railway is about 85 kilometers, connecting the two major trunk railways of Beijing Kowloon and Beijing Shanghai. The total investment is about 9 billion yuan (including the Yellow River Highway and Railway Bridge), and it has been included in the national medium and long-term railway network plan, Shandong Province's "14th Five Year Plan" comprehensive transportation development plan, and Shandong Province's comprehensive transportation network medium and long-term development plan.

The Janbon Liaotai Yellow River Highway and Railway Bridge spans the Yellow River through a combination of Highway and and railway construction. The main bridge is located 2 kilometers downstream of the Dong'ai Mountain checkpoint and adopts a five span continuous steel truss beam with a maximum span of 180 meters. It is currently the largest flat chord steel truss bridge for both Highway and and railway use in China.

Transportation infrastructure is beneficial to the country and the people, and is a major practical matter related to economic revitalization and improving people's livelihoods. Janbon Liaotai Yellow River Highway and Railway Bridge is the second Yellow River Bridge invested and built by Shandong Janbon Group, following Jinan Janbon Yellow River Bridge.

Shandong Janbon Group, as a private enterprise, continues to invest heavily in the construction of transportation infrastructure with a long return period. Thanks to the strong support of the state for the private economy, it is a major decision made by the group based on strong optimism about China's economic development prospects and actively responding to the major national strategy of the Yellow River. As another benchmark for private enterprises to invest in infrastructure construction, the Janbon Liaotai Yellow River Public Railway Bridge has injected new momentum into the development and growth of the private economy and people's livelihood economy.


On March 8th, the Shandong Provincial Government website released the "Jinan Urban Circle Development Plan (2024-2030)", proposing that the Jinan Urban Circle is an important carrier area for ecological protection and high-quality development strategies in the Yellow River Basin, and plays an important role in the overall construction of a socialist modernized country. The Jinan metropolitan area is centered around Jinan and is composed of closely connected cities such as Zibo, Tai'an, Dezhou, Liaocheng, and Binzhou. The Janbon Liaotai Yellow River Highway and Railway Bridge is the first major cross Yellow River transportation infrastructure project completed and opened to traffic in the Jinan metropolitan area after the release of the Jinan Urban Circle Development Plan (2024-2030). It connects Jinan, Liaocheng, and Tai'an, further densifying the transportation network of the Jinan metropolitan area, playing a leading role in transportation, and supporting the high-level construction of the Jinan metropolitan area and the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin.

Shandong Janbon Group is fully reserving resources, actively participating in the follow-up construction of the Liaotai Railway project, firmly fulfilling social responsibilities, and continuously making new contributions to high-quality economic and social development.

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