
Liaotai Railway

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Project Description

The Liaotai Railway is a key railway project planned by the Shandong Provincial Government. The line is located in the west of Shandong Province, between the Beijing-Kowloon and Beijing-Shanghai trunk railways. West to the Yuji Railway Liaocheng East Station, east to the Taifei Railway Hubun Station, use the existing Taifei Line to connect to the Taishan Station, and connect with the Yuji Line-Xintai Line-Jiaoji Line Railway to form a communication with Luxi and Lu. It is an important channel in the central region and serves as a tie line between the Beijing-Kowloon and Jinpu two major railways. The new line is 85km long and the total investment of the project is about 7.4 billion yuan.
The Liaotai Railway Huanghe Railway Bridge and Highway Connection Project, as the control project of the Liaotai Railway Project, was approved by the Shandong Provincial Development and Reform Commission in August 2016 by Lufachang Traffic (2016) No. 847, with a total length of 12.94km. The investment is about 1.736 billion yuan and will start construction in the second half of 2019.
